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Everyone likes to save money wherever they can, especially on bills! But sometimes it may not seem that easy to save on things like gas and electricity bills. However, that is not the case. There are a few simple things you can do in your home to reduce your energy consumption which, in turn, will reduce your energy bills.

With most households relying on several gadgets and electronic devices every day, our electricity bills can seem to always be on the rise. However, did you know that by simply unplugging any devices whilst not in use can help you save considerably on your electricity bills? Items on standby still use electricity. Items when fully charged will still continue to use electricity even if they are no longer charging. If you count up all the devices you have plugged in at home and try unplugging them all when not in use, you can easily start to see the benefit this could have on your electricity consumption.

To save money on your gas bill, you should have your gas boiler serviced every year. Annual boiler servicing is a great way to ensure your boiler is operating as efficiently as possible. A trained Gas Safe engineer can quickly identify and rectify any internal deterioration which may be causing your boiler to be using more gas than it needs to. Keeping on top of your boiler maintenance helps to ensure you’re not using more energy than you need to keep your home safe and warm. Another way to save on your gas energy consumption is to replace your boiler. This may sound drastic, but if your boiler is over 10 years old, it won’t be able to convert as much of the fuel it uses as a new boiler can. New boilers are proven to convert as much as 90% of the fuel they use, meaning a huge reduction in waste and lower energy bills.

LED light bulbs are also a quick win to help reduce your electricity usage. Traditional, filament bulbs use up to 40 watts to run, unlike LED’s which need only 5. If you were to replace all the bulbs in your household, you will certainly see a reduction in your energy consumption and therefore a saving on your electricity bill.

You may have already done so, but if you haven’t already installed a smart thermostat you may wish to do so. Smart thermostats are an excellent way to program your central heating more accurately, ensuring that you don’t heat an empty home. We have experience in installing smart thermostats for our customers, and are happy to talk to you about them in more detail, alternatively you can find out more on our website here.

Finally, an insulated loft is an excellent way to combat energy waste. If you don’t insulate your loft the hot air your central heating creates can simply escape out the roof. Keeping the warm air inside your loft will help keep your entire home warmer and prevent you from needing to leave the heating on for longer or higher than necessary.

These simple changes will not only help reduce your energy bills but will also help you run a more environmentally friendly home. Excess waste, whether that is physical rubbish, or energy waste is something that we should all strive to avoid. Make these changes to our routines will help reduce that and support the planet. Why not try them out yourself?