Find tips and advice about boiler installation, repair and servicing

Boiler Finance Options

If your boiler needs replacing, it may be because it has broken down unexpectantly and you don’t have the funds to hand to pay for a replacement. This is more often than not the case for many of our customers. This is why we set up a range of finance options that our customers can choose from to help ease the financial burden of having a new boiler installed.

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How to save on your energy consumption

Everyone likes to save money wherever they can, especially on bills! But sometimes it may not seem that easy to save on things like gas and electricity bills. However, that is not the case. There are a few simple things you can do in your home to reduce your energy consumption which, in turn, will reduce your energy bills.

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Heating Controls – what you need to know

Heating controls have changed a lot in recent years and there are now more ways than ever to control the heating in your home. If you want to take more control of your heating and overall energy consumption, you may want to consider installing a smart meter. However, if you just want to update your traditional home thermostat, we can help with that too.

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How a new boiler can be more affordable than you think

New boilers have notoriously been an expensive product to pay out for. This is usually because many don’t plan on buying a new boiler and only do so once theirs has broken down beyond repair. Boilers are also frequently replaced when home renovations are taking place and budgets continue to overrun.

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Is annual boiler servicing really needed?

We advise all our customers to have their boilers serviced annually, however, we do get several customers ask us why. Annual boiler servicing is important to keep your boiler working safely and efficiently. But there are also a few other reasons that you may not be aware of which we have outlined below.

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