You’ll hope that everything works exactly as planned at your property. But that isn’t always the case. From time to time, you’ll encounter problems which you’ll need to address as soon as possible to limit the potential damage. If you have a plumbing leak, then that could severely impact the quality of your home — but not if it’s caught early. It’s all about detection. In this blog, we’ll run through a few ways that’ll help you to know if you have a plumbing leak.
Check Your Meter
Your water meter can tell you how much water you’re using. To see if you have a leak, shut off all water flow points, including all taps, the dishwasher, the washing machine, and so forth. If your water meter continues to increase, then there’ll be a leak.
Monitor Your Water Bill
Plumbing leaks don’t only cause damage to the property — they also cause damage to your wallet. If you believe that you’ve been using more or less the same amount of water, yet your bills seem to be going up, then that’ll be a pretty clear sign that something isn’t right. If it’s not a fault with the water company, then it’ll be a fault with your plumbing system.
Look for the Signs
If you notice pools of water around your taps, damp smells, or see some early signs of mould, then you may have a leak. In that case, it’ll be best to contact plumbing experts like us here at Horsforth Heating Solutions.