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Horsforth Heating Solutions

To all our customers – we’re still here! We’re fully aware of the worrying pandemic that is going on, but we want to reassure our customers that we are still here and operating as normally as we can.

It’s important to remember that Gas Safety is still highly important at times like these. If you are worried about your boiler’s behaviour you need to get in touch with us. Only trained Gas Safe registered engineers can safely look at your boiler, so please do still call us with any concerns you may have. We want to stress that under no circumstances should you think it is safer for you to investigate an issue with your boiler, than have a trained engineer come into your home.

It is still safe for our engineers to come to your home and we will take all the necessary precautions to keep both you and our engineers safe. We have given our staff the required briefings to ensure they can deliver a safe and effective service. They will take extra care to keep safe distances between themselves, you and your family and wherever possible sanitise any surfaces we touch before we leave.

In times of uncertainty, communities need to come together, and we’re proud to still be able to serve our local community during such challenging times. If you’re aware of any elderly neighbours or family that may need our help, we’re happy to support them too. Contact us today and one of our friendly staff will be on hand to assist you the best we can.

Stay safe, stay home.

Home Energy Saving Advice

Whilst most of us are spending much more time at home, many may be worrying about their energy usage and fear of rising energy bills.

It is important that whilst we’re all staying home that we’re still comfortable and safe. We understand that these uncertain times can be worrying for many and whilst we’re not in the middle of winter, we are all still likely to be using our central heating for large parts of the day.

This isn’t a bad thing, however, there are things you can be doing to help ensure that you energy usage is efficient to help your money go further.

The next time you start to feel chilly in the home, put another layer on before you go to turn the thermostat up. It might be that in the morning after a hot shower we just put a t-shirt on, and then as the day progresses start to feel a chill. Put on a cosy jumper and see how you feel first as that might be enough to avoid turning up the heating.

In the evenings, most of us will be in one room most of the night, many of us taking the time to enjoy family film night or catching up on our favourite TV shows. If that’s the case, keep the door closed of the room that you’re in to help keep the warm air in and any draughts out.

If you have curtains be sure to pull those closed at night, as this will also help keep any cold air circulating the room. Whilst you’re cooking in the kitchen, it may be that you can turn the radiator down as your oven is likely to be warming up the room whilst you prepare your meals.

Finally, it may be worth revisiting your thermostat settings, as if you had previously had the heating off all day as you weren’t really in the house much, it might now be more cost efficient to have it on all day, but at a lower temperature. This way your boiler won’t have to work as hard and use as much energy to heat it up from a much cooler temperature.

Try and remember to bleed your radiators every now and again as well to help ensure they are heating up properly so that each room will be as warm as can be.

We hope that all our customers and their families are staying safe during these difficult times and we are sending best wishes to everyone.

We hope that we can all go back to our usual routines as soon as possible, but for now remember to stay safe and stay home.